Come Follow Me: New Testament – Getting Started

Poster Board Printables: Home or Primary We have created two Poster Board Printables for your family or your primary calling. Watch the end of the video at the top to see how it works. Kits include: 1. Titles2. Spin and Sing3. Fruits of the Spirit4. Hand Method of Learning with QR codes5. Writers of the New Testament Information and…

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Why Temples Are Important?

We love the temple and know that understand why temples are important can help our children have a desire to go inside someday! This is Part 1 of a series of videos we will be creating for kids. We hope this helps your children prepare and love the temples of God. John Rowe Moyle In the video, Hyrum shares…

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Come Follow Me: The Story of Queen Esther

The Story of Esther is filled with courage, kindness, and love for others. We have included her story in our Kindness Quest Old Testament Game. You can see more details here. We have created an easy printable that you can use at home or at church. Have your children color and add words to the talking bubbles to retell…

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