Teaching children while they are young that kindness really begins with themselves and that being kind can make a world of difference in someone else’s life as well as their own.
Here is a short video of the kids teaching about the importance of being kind with stories from the Old Testament of Rebekah, Gail Halverson, the Candy Bomber, my grandmother, and Cinderella. As the song goes, “I want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see. So I’ll say to myself remember this: ‘Kindness begins with me!'”
We talk about the 3 things to do when we are faced with saying something when we are angry or upset.
1. Stop
2. Breathe
3. Think
We hope that this printable that can be cut out and attached to a door, will be a reminder to children everywhere to pause and think before they speak and it is a reminder to us adults too!
CLICK Here to Download the Image and MAKE sure to Subscribe below for more FREE printables!

The Kindness Quest Old Testament Game is HERE!! Click HERE for Details.

Here are two short videos about Ruth and Boaz. They are featured in our Kindness Quest Game! Don’t forget to watch our video about being kind!
How to Assemble and Play the Game!
If your kids are like mine, then they probably love games! My kids and I came up with this kindness game to help practice, have fun and teach them how to be kind. The Kindness Quest Old Testament Game is so much fun!
You can purchase it in our shop right now! CLICK HERE!
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