Teachings of Jesus
During his final week before he died, he taught some powerful lessons. He taught his disciples that, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” That means when we help others, it is as if you were helping Jesus. He loves it when we love and care for each other. If you were there in Jerusalem, what stories would you want Jesus to tell you?
Make a Scripture Book
It is easier to make this little book if you print it on white cardstock, but if you only have regular copy paper that will work too. I show you how to fold each type of paper since it is slightly different. You will find the instructions halfway through the video above. Just click on the button below and subscribe to our weekly emails that will keep you update on our Come Follow Me bible videos. Emails are usually sent out on Saturday night.
8-Day Holy Week Easter Egg Hunt Printable
Did you download this week’s countdown? Have your child color in today’s egg and picture of the donkey. Tomorrow just scan the code and go to Day 7 to learn about how Jesus cleansed the temple.

Daily Videos
Click on the link each day to access a short video lesson, primary song, and activity.
Thanks for all your work on these videos and printables. My kids and I are loving them!! ???????????? I thought I should let you know that the link for this Easter book is wrong. It sends us to the heart wreath printable. FYI.
Oh sorry, it was working earlier. Not sure what happened, but I fixed it. Thanks for letting me know. So happy to hear your kids are loving the videos!!
I can’t find the link for the booklet…
The blue button should take you to this page. https://mailchi.mp/8db4136a1d6e/easter-day-3
The link to the Book takes you to the 8Day link.
Just fixed it again. It should take you to this page now https://mailchi.mp/8db4136a1d6e/easter-day-3