Book of Mormon Reading Punch Cards

Are you kids struggling to read the scriptures daily? Try a fun way to encourage them to create this important habit by using these month punch cards. Click the image or button to download the “punch cards!”

Print, cut, and give to your children, grandchildren, or to your primary class or ward. Add an extra incentive by having them “punch” a hole daily and return the card to class or to their parent for a small treat like a fruit snack, candy, or ice cream. Let the kids decide how much they want to read for example, maybe they want to just read a line a day, a verse, a page, a chapter or set it to a timer and read for 10 seconds, 30, seconds, or 1 minute. At this age, I feel it is more important to help them establish a daily scripture reading habit over how long they read for. That will come as they become better readers and their testimonies grow. Charlie has been the best example of reading everyday since he was baptized. He hasn’t missed a day in 3 years!

If you are seeing this after the first of the month, no problem, just tell the kids they get a free pass for whatever days are before the day you start this reading challenge. If you are using this in primary, you could take a few seconds to remind the kids to read and punch everyday.

I also included a QR code that goes to our weekly Come Follow Me video lesson playlist. The newest video will always be at the top so the children can learn to “experiment upon the words” in the Book of Mormon with us!

Bookmark this page, and check back for next month’s card at the end of the month or you can grab the entire year from our Etsy store here.