Have you heard about the church’s new YouTube Channel for kids? Well, today we made a video that highlights a new series that just launched called “Create With Me” hosted by my friend, Patti Rokus from Rocks Tell Stories!
My kids love to play with rocks and Patti has opened a whole new world for them as they learn to see shapes in the rocks. It is kind of like looking at the clouds and seeing the different shapes.
This week in our Come Follow Me lesson, we are learning about the 10 plagues in Egypt and how Moses followed God and helped rescue the enslaved Israelites. My kids not only use the rock lesson from the church’s channel, but also talk about the the sacrament and why it is important.
Here is a printable you can use during FHE, primary or anytime to teach the kids about the ten plagues. Just CLICK HERE or on the image to Subscribe and your printable will pop up immediately!

Here is the new video on Gospel for Kids YouTube Channel.
FREE Printable from Rocks Tell Stories
Don’t forget to get your FREE Printable from Patti’s website at RocksTellStories so you can make yours too. When you are done, post it to social media and tag @mtcforkids and @biblestoriesrock so we can see what you create!