Need help getting your primary kids to learn the Articles of Faith? Throw an Ice Cream Social or end of the year Ice Cream Party for all the kids that learned all or some of the Articles of Faith.
Each month we are focusing on one Article of Faith. We have videos, printables, and other resources to help. Pass out these “Get the “Scoop” about Primary this month at the beginning of every month so that the kids and parents know what Article of Faith you are working on.
Instructions: Print on white cardstock or regular paper. Punch out with a 3-inch circle punch or just cut into squares. Give each child one to take home at the beginning of the month. Each week we will be posting another video to help the kids learn about that month’s Article of Faith.
Coordinating Printables can be purchased in our Etsy Store including: coloring pages, fill in the blank, musical chairs, posters, bubblegum chart, ice cream scoops, and more! Just CLICK HERE to go to our Etsy Store!

Articles of Faith Playlist
Here is a collection of all 13 Articles of Faith. There is a video helping the children practice memorize each one, learning what they mean, and singing along with our sing-along videos. We hope these help encourage the primary kids as the learn the doctrine of Christ found in the Articles of Faith!
Love your talents and your willingness to share
Thank you Marie!
These videos are so great! They are so helpful in teaching my children. Thanks for putting this together.
You are so welcome! I am happy to hear that they are helpful!