This video is all about how to get or gain a testimony as well as ideas on how to keep and share it.
A new video for this week’s Come Follow Me episode will be another video about testimonies, but focused on how to “bear” your testimony. Join us Saturday to watch and learn how to make a bear puppet!
I can “BEAR” my testimony!
Here is our newest Come Follow Me video all about how to “bear” our testimony with the help of our “beary” special friend Brown Bear. At the end of the video is a step-by-step instruction on how to make your own bear puppet at home. (Adult help needed for this craft!)
Please share a picture of your child’s bear with something they know is true. Take us on social media @MTCforKids. We would love to see them.
FREE Puppet Pattern Kit
Here is an easy way to make your very own bear puppet. Just cut out and follow the pattern along with our how-to video at the end of this week’s Come Follow Me episode. We hope this helps your children get comfortable with sharing their testimonies. You can even add it to your Sacrament bag for the kids to play with quietly at church.

John Taylor as a Missionary
Below is the story I summarized about how John Taylor was brave.