The second Article of Faith is about a fundamental doctrine that we will only be punished for our own sins and not for what choice Adam made in the Garden of Eden. It states, “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression, and not for Adam’s transgression.”
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This is an important principle for children to understand. Have you ever heard your child say, “but he pushed me,” or “she made me mad.” These are phrases we often hear our children say as they try to navigate their own feelings and behavior. Teaching them that they have freedom to choose how they will act and that no matter what anyone else does or says, they are accountable for their own choses.
Your children can use the accompanied Article of Faith kit to help them memorize this Article of Faith, but what is more important is that they understand what happened to Adam and how their own choices are what is key in their own happiness. Abbie and Charlie share some insight below in the video and in the transcript below to help teach your children.
To help support MTC for Kids, please consider purchasing the memorization kit for just $1.99. It comes with the following pages: a poster, coloring page, draw and tracing page, fill in the blank, one letter word help, and flash cards.
Article of Faith #2 Printables
Help your children memorize Article of Faith #4 with these helpful and fun printables for just $2.95 in our Etsy Shop, then follow along with us as we learn what it means, how to memorize, and sing about Article of Faith #2 videos below.
There are three videos for Article of Faith #2. Start with the first video where Abbie will walk your children through simple steps to memorize it. It also coordinates with the worksheets above. Next, your kids will learn what it means to be accountable for their own sins. The last video is a simple sing-along video with the kids singing the Primary song “Article of Faith 2” from the LDS Primary Music Book that can be used during Singing Time on Sunday. We also included the YouTube playlist that you can just click on and it will go through the three videos one after another.
We hope these resources help your children grow their testimony of Jesus Christ by understanding the doctrine of accountable and how even though they are young, they can still learn to take responsibility for their actions to have a happy, healthy life!