In celebration of President Nelson’s 100th Birthday, join MTC for Kids as we listen, watch, or read one of his General Conference talks everyday since he was sustained as an apostle. We will begin on May 22nd and finish all 111 talks by his birthday on September 9th. Just scan the QR code daily from the printable for the daily talk or click on the playlist at the bottom. Connect with us on Instagram and YouTube for daily takeaways.
How to Use the Printables
There is a one page calendar printable to help you keep track of what talk we are doing each day. Once you have read, listened, or watched the talk, color in the date or mark it with a check. There are 4 pages of “Talk Notes” that you can use to help you jot down a quick note about what counsel you received and rate yourself on how you are doing so that you can see where you can improve. ( Rating 1-10. 1 being the lowest, 10 the highest) This is for your own eyes. We hope this helps you not only listen to the prophet’s voices, but continue to grow in your testimony of Jesus Christ.

YouTube Talk Playlist
Here is a YouTube Playlist with all of the prophet’s General Conference talks. You can also go to LDS Tools and click on General Conference > Speakers > Russell M. Nelson for a list of the talks in order as well. You will see that it lists 112 talks instead of what our calendar that says 111. One of the talks was called “Combatting Spiritual Drift” but it wasn’t a General Conference talk so we didn’t list it in the calendar. You can read that talk here. A new video will go to the top of the playlist so you can easily follow along. The printables also have the title of each talk to help you know which talk we are watching each day.
A Documentary about President Nelson from KSL
If you would like to get to know the prophet better, watch this documentary with your family. So many amazing and interesting things I never knew. We also posted a 60 second video about the prophet as well.
Getting Ready for Conference
We made these videos last year to help get the kids ready for General Conference. We made a 60 second video about each of the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. You can get trading cards and more fun resources to help your family prepare for Conference by clicking on the button below.