This month we are learning the song “Help Me, Dear Father.” This is a perfect song that also goes along with our Come Follow Me lesson this week about Joseph of Egypt and how he was able to forgive his brother who sold him into slavery. I am sure that he prayed a lot to Heavenly Father for help to forgive them.
We made a 30 second video about Joseph that is part of our Kindness Quest Game. You can watch it below and find out details about the game here.
Here are some chalkboard visuals you can use if you are teaching the song. I am going to talk about how we pray using the Sandwich visual I have used many times in the past. I am going to cut out the different sandwich pieces and then hide them around the room. As we learn the words, I will have the kids take turns finding the different sandwiches pieces and then teaching them what they mean.
The Sandwich lesson:
The two slices of bread represent Dear Heavenly Father and in the name of Jesus Christ. You also need these two pieces in order for it to be a sandwich just like you always use the words in a prayer.
The inside pieces are the “thankful for” and “help me” parts that can be the different ingredients.
After they find each piece you can put them on the board and use the words to cut out and add next to them or just write the words on the chalkboard.
Click on the image below to download the printables!